Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where Can I Get Luna Lovegood Lion Hat

Self-excommunication. Conflict

The former sheep-signed:

-view of the inability of the Pope of the Catholic Church to understand what constitutes freedom of conscience and action

people-because that is why the Church insists on his flock to be made liable any person baptized in infancy

-given that the Church uses the naive and willing to face some of its members, to support its huge hierarchical structure and its dominance conniving with fraudsters worse (owners, financiers, aristocrats, mafia, piduisti, dictators, presenters, etc.). and that sheep be considered is certainly painful and counterproductive for my image and as-

The Church insists on wanting to forfeit all in their belly holy, declaring their religion "superior" to other believers and non-white horses to slay (or pitied? certainly to be converted!)


(tick box)

of saying out loud in public, after Tigga ', the Pope criticizes capitalism during the election period but he writes in praise Centesismus Annus, with the Church as a mediator between the capital and the "poor of the earth," and that therefore the Pope is a hypocrite;

he had practiced every conceivable type of contraception ( physiological, paranormal, hormonal, chemical, mechanical and lorenabobbit) and to consider the children as an option to the pleasant world of the senses;

had not practiced any form of contraception because being lesbian or gay, fortunately, not the problem;

children have done in test tubes or targaprova / have done with children with sperm-cream;

to have an abortion without paying a penny to the Barons / have replaced the host with the pill;

have made use of material and sadomasochism santommaso and to have engaged in heterosexual oral sex and so on and (in the sense of sex ) and so forth;

to have used condoms to avoid leaving fingerprints on your fingers and break through into the church alms boxes;

to have rented a lovely Garçonniere knowledge of the husband of her / him and the Pope;

have blasphemed the wheel while changing the sacred five hundred;

of using "Christian Family" to paper the windows of my car while I made love with an extra-gifted;

have started a family with a person of my same sex

to want to come take one of those children who slip through the hands of powerful Pope

that I fake / a priest / nun in that year that was the fashion to have dark and so 'did confess several old ladies, incitadole empire of the senses;

to have cheated while I was on holiday in Mondovi ', several people handing off a cliff and pretending to be an apparition of the Virgin Mary;

have paid eight per thousand to a lay association, without leaving it to state or churches;

have divorced or thrown in the faith / habit / etc. * nettle of spitting in a font the day when Wojtyla said that the woman is "naturally inclined to act as a companion to man" (see ribs);

have distributed leaflets against AIDS private religious schools;

inserted in the frequencies of "Radio Maria" as the amateur / amateur anticlerical in the mood for jokes;

have organized a panel discussion on "Why the Pope has no mustache or beard and other religious leaders";

thinking out loud that maybe all these financial riding the Vatican Tangentopoli were signs that the Temple is Mercante;

that he had suggested then to get into St. Peter's to give the Treasury of the Vatican to those who are without homes and jobs;

to do volunteer work in hospitals, to send aid to victims of war, to lend a hand to others without asking whether Catholic or tell him to be, and without waiting for a seat in the front row in Paradise;

to have the offending sticker attached to the car, "Pope Wojtyla? No, thanks!"

of being a communist;

to be anarchist / o;

to be atheist / o;

of being a woman or, to be

sbatezzata / or and have rejected all the initiation rites of religions and football league;

to practice and chiro Tarot, magic, white, pink, black, green and yellow just for fun and to spite the Church;

had told the priest to bless the homes that went: "Thank you, do not buy anything" and to him rudely closed the door on him;

have always wanted to destroy a baseball bat hits the Pope's white convertible;

have disrupted a convention of religious education school exhibiting the banner "religion, heroin, kids ruin them;


self-certifies that my excommunication is valid , vilification, durable, do not ask me forgiveness, dialogue and understanding with the Church hierarchy that I find boring, arrogant, ambiguously slimy, repressed and criminal.

(by Groucho Marxist Party of Italy, the Congregation for the Doctrine of infidelity).


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