Monday, January 10, 2011

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Pontecagnano Faiano

is the most southern Etruscan site. The Etruscan city, which flourished between the eighth and fourth centuries BC C. and of which we have the testimony of material from more than 7000 tombs and sanctuaries of Demeter and Apollo. The material found in the necropolis is rich and meaningful, especially since it includes a rich collection of ceramics, the bill which attests to the influence of Corinthian. The municipality includes the two main centers of Pontecagnano and Faiano. The ancient city had an important port, whose website is located at the mouth of the river Picentino. Faiano, however, is the first house built on hills and Picentini foothills of the mountains, where the sea water invaded the lowland populations and also for security reasons imposed by the Saracen raids, moved to the upper tiers. Around the Church of the Immaculate Conception, built in 1843, developed the new urban center of Pontecagnano, as the capital of the Plain Picentino. The fight for autonomy for the town was carried out between 1890 and 1911, by a committee, chaired by Advocate Amedeo Moscati, who was then, after the establishment of the new municipality in 1911, elected the first mayor. Pontecagnano was then the seat of the Roman Picenza, the capital of Piceni, located in the vast area stretching from the mouth of the Sele river Sarno. Towards the end of the eighteenth century began the reclamation of the plain, in the course of the next century it was bought to crops, allowing the reconstruction of the city at the site where the old one had been thriving.
from Salerno 16 km, 67 km from Naples , 278 km from Rome
How to get
Coming from the north: Take the Roma - Caserta (A30) motorway or Napoli - Salerno (A3), exit Pontecagnano.
Coming from South: Highway Salerno - Reggio Calabria, exit Pontecagnano.

The railway station is to Pontecagnano. (
By bus: Bus
private and public linking the country with Salerno and Naples
By plane: Airport

Amalfi Coast Naples Airport Capodichino ( )
Picentino Agro National Archaeological Museum. The museum contains finds from excavations of housing and found a Pontecagnano necropolis dating back to the ninth century. BC finds Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age, Etruscan pottery and tools. It represents the most important Etruscan center and southern Campania.
Patron Saint July 11
Mayor Ernesto SICA


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