Tuesday, March 10, 2009

108 Ambulance Bangalore Address

The Marcia Marcia

We have not explained, perhaps.
"The Perugia-Assisi peace march" is a mass mobilization propaganda in favor of the modus operandi (or rather, opus moderandi) of Kiesa kattolika Apostoliki Roman.
He totally divorced from engineering social origins kattolika The first march took place Sunday, September 24, 1961 at the initiative of Aldo Capitini, wanted to be a nonviolent demonstration that testimony in favor of peace and brotherhood of peoples <>. Capitini was one of those little religious who are around, they did Jesus in their image and likeness likened religion to morality <>. The idea of \u200b\u200bsecularism was born from detachment from the Capitini Kiesa kattolica, an accomplice of the fascist regime: in 1929 the Church agreed with the legitimate power of Mussolini's squad and forgetting the violence, thus supporting them by ensuring its morality in the face of most people who blindly trust reposed nell'ekklesiarkìa.
In this "peace march" gradually disappears and secular non-religious character to make way for the most vulgar and extremist indoctrination. Flying shot her singularity, the march is precisely a chaotic parade of positions and ideologies, we have the cattocomunisti, we have cattosocialisti, the cattoliberali, the cattoconservatori, we have well and cattoteodem cattocattolici or cattodemocristiani, the cattofascisti, the cattocattocattisti which they often appear the cattoanticlericali, even some devout atheist. After 24 kilometers of running all approach the majestic Kiesa that has nothing of Francis, and listen to coincide with the little lesson-sermon kapoierarka specific policy messages in the subconscious and will act decisively affect the ability of each bystander. Then they all leave, who will speak a little luck, absolutely no talk of peace ...
IF ONLY ONE OF THOSE Buzzurro He pauses for a moment!
Ma .. peace? but really think so? I think otherwise, this is peace! But how not?! Would you like to question ...?! How dare you! Who are you to doubt what I think! En lo!


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